Friday, March 07, 2008

Clinton destroying Democrats

Apparently, I'm not the only one who feels that Clinton's campaign behavior is divisive and could destroy the Democratic Party. She started with the Rove-like response on 60 Minutes to feed fear:

And from Caffeinated Politics:
When the New York Senator did not denounce the ‘religion issue’ on “60 Minutes” this past weekend concerning Obama when offered the chance to do so, she chose her path. Last week when Clinton said that both she and John McCain were qualified to lead the country, but that Obama only knew how to make speeches, she not only gave an endorsement to the GOP nominee, but also bloodied Obama who will most likely be the eventual nominee. It was a shameful move on her part.

Enigma4Ever has a suggestion that we contact the Democratic Party, and let them know that we think Clinton is busting up the party, and that may explain the decrease in donations.


enigma4ever said...

"as far as I know".....

Could she say anything more dubious....???

how to cast spells and aspersions.....the Rovian Playbook has a new home....

voltos said...

E4E... yeah, a new home unfortunately.