Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I've been doing a little housecleaning. By that I mean I've been changing the look and feel of this blog.

I got tired of the darker colors even though they looked kinda forestry, so I made the blog white. Added a voting widget, put the archives in a drop down menu, and added a news scrolling widget at the bottom. I may remove this last one because it just doesn't function the way I would like.

There's a possibility that I may add Snap, which is a link preview, but I'll see how this present configuration works first.

Oh, I also changed my kicker for the blog title to "the invisible blog" from something like "daily views and observations".

The last thing I need to do is add a counter. I used to have a counter for this page, but somewhere along the way, while changing templates, I lost it. I'll need to reinstall it.


enigma4ever said...

Hey there- thanks for prompting me with the address...Can I add you to my blogroll at Watergate Summer ?

Would you mind?

( BTW I think your blog is looking good- can't wait to see what else you add... and I love POLLS...good idea)

libhom said...

I like the poll.

voltos said...


I don't know if you saw my answer on your blog, but just in case you haven't... I would be very pleased to make your blogroll.

Thanks for the compliment on the blog. I'll try to come up with interesting polls.


Glad you like it the poll. Feel free to make suggestions for polls.